سڀني وزٽرس کي ڀليڪار چئون ٿا مهرباني ڪري پنهنجا مشوره ۽ شڪايتون اسان جي فيس بڪ پيج تي موڪليندا. FaceBooK

Golden Age

Golden Age



        Golden Age


      THE SOOMRAS and their Samma chieftains had
        unitedly faced the Khalji invasion. But that struggle had completely
        changed the balance of political forces in Sindh. The Soomras had bled
        profusely. At the same time the Samma courage and character had stood
        out bold and bright. A struggle for power between the two, therefore,
        had become inevitable. Since the Soomras were the established power,
        Delhi sided with them. Delhi had even instructed Multan and Gujerat to
        back the Soomras. However, the Sammas had bigger factors working in
        their favour.

      The Soomra territorial base was in south-east
        Sindh; the Sammas were spread over much of the province. And the Sammas
        were much more numerous than the Soomras. (The 1901 census, for example,
        recorded 7,32,897 Sammas as against 1,02, 753 Soomras, indicating a
        historic disparity in numbers.)


      The Sindhu had been changing its course at least
        since the year 1250. It was shifting westwards --- away from Alor,
        Brahmanabad, Amarkot, Vagahkot, and Ropah of the Soomras --- and towards
        the Samma towns of Sehwan and Thatta. For centuries the rock of Rohri
        has been quarried to carry stones down the river to the Soomra city of
        Amarkot for construction work. Now all that was over. Soon enough the
        original channel in the east --- variously known locally as Hakro (Ghaggar?)
        and Mehran, became smaller and smaller, until today it is reduced to a
        canal called the Eastern Nara. The only reminder of the Eastern Nara's
        great days --- when it used to pass through the Thar desert and Kutch
        and end up in the Arabian Sea, then known as Ratnakar --- are the sea
        crocodiles there. Obviously they were caught into it when the river
        dried up halfway and did not reach the sea.


      Incidentally, the change of the river-course from
        ancient Alor, six miles east of Rohri, to the gorge between Rohri and
        Sukkur had geographic sequences with historic consequences. The rock
        between Sukkur and Rohri now became the rocky island of Bakhar in the
        Indus. The fort at Alor was now literally demolished to carry its bricks
        and stones to build an impregnable new fort on this spot, to stand guard
        on Sindh. From now on, for centuries, Thatta in the south and Bakhar in
        the north became -the two poles of Sindh.

      This change of water course had the most
        devastating effect on the fortunes of the Soomras. It had a
        correspondingly electrifying effect on the fortunes of the Sammas. No
        wonder the Soomras used to pray for the day when the Hakro would again
        -flood in by Alor, (leaving the Sammas high and dry), when they would
        send to the Sammas, gifts of river products such as fish, lotus stalk,
        and lotus roots.

      ``Hek wahando Hakro, bhajandi bund Aror, Beeha
        Machhi ain Lor, wenda Samman Sookhri.''

      However, the river maintained its westerly course.
        The impoverished Soomras even fell foul of the bards and minstrels, who
        now began to sing songs in praise of the generosity of the newly-rich
        Sammas. Said a typical disappointed bard of the last Soomras: ``If the
        rest of the world deserves half our denunciation, the Soomras deserve it
        whole.'' And as for the Sammas, even Shah Latif said: ``When they are
        angry, they still give; when they are pleased. they of course give m
        ore; either way, they mean very well.'' It is also possible that the
        Soomras, with their base in the sandy south-east bordering Marwar, were,
        by nature, stingy. So the ``mass media men'' of those times also
        preferred to salute the rising sun of the Sammas. After intermittent
        fighting started in 1315, the Sammas finally triumphed in 1351. When
        Delhi demurred, they killed Malik Rattan, the centre's governor in
        Sehwan. In the same year, the Sammas first set up their capital in their
        native town of Samui but soon after they shifted to Thatta, now
        flowering into a great metropolis.

      All this defiance was more than Muhammed Tughlaq,
        the -sultan of Delhi, could take. He immediately descended on Sindh with
        a huge army. Elliott and Dawson report him saying: ``Would that God turn
        my sickness into health, so that I might subdue these people of Thatta.
        If God should please to take me, still this desire will remain constant
        in my heart.''






      During the campaign in Sindh, Muhammed used to
        take exces- sive quantities of the delicious ``Pala'' fish of Sindh
        (from Plu, Skt. for fish. The Bengalis call it ``Hilsha'' and the
        Americans, ``Shad''). It is so tasty, the Sindhis have a humorous
        limerick about it: ``Pala is better than halva; halva has no life in it;
        as for Pala, you can settle down firmly and enjoy it to your heart's
        content'' (``Pallo seeray kha blti bhallo; seeray mein na sah, Pallo
        goda khoray kha''). One can only hope that the great Muhammed Tughlaq
        did not die of eating Pala; but die he did in Sindh. And he was buried
        near Thatta.

      His successor, Firuz Tughlaq, could not pocket the
        insult to the sultan. The court historians report: ``Whenever he spoke
        of this place [Thatta] he used to stroke his beard and exclaim that it
        was a hundred thousand pities that his predecessor, Muhammed Shah
        Tughlaq, had failed to conquer it.''

      Before long, therefore, Firuz also descended on
        Sindh with a huge army. But he too found it impossible to storm the
        city. As he raised the siege and retired to Gujerat for the time being,
        the Sindhi army raised the triumphant half-Persian half-Sindhi slogan:
        ``Baa Barqat Pir Patho, hik muo biyo tattho''(``with the grace of Saint
        Pattho, one died and the other retreated''. Pir Patho is believed to be
        the Sindhi Muslim version of Raja Gopichand. Later he became the
        patron-saint of the Dhedhs of Sindh.

      In 1365, Firuz Shah descended on Sindh once again.
        This time he persuaded the Samma chief Jam Bambhriyo (Sindhi for
        Brahmin?) and his paternal uncle (chacha) Jam Juna to go with him to
        Delhi, while Bambhriyo's brother Jam Tamachi and Juna's son Jam Togachi,
        jointly ruled Sindh. In Delhi, Firuz Shah brain-washed Juna into going
        back in 1375 as governor of Thatta, leaving his brave nephew behind. In
        Thatta, Juna arrested Jam Tamachi, sent him away to Delhi, and began to
        rule Sindh as the agent of Delhi. This was more than the Sindhis could
        take. The respected Sheikh Hamad was heard saying: ``Juna is a fool; Oh
        Jam Tamachi, please come back; all Thatta is for you; God's grace is
        also with you.'' Another savant, Nuh, a dervish, was heard saying: ``Go
        and kill Jam Juna, and make Jam Tamachi king!'' Before long, Jam Tamachi
        was acclaimed king and Sindh now had a golden age.

      During the ensuing period, Sindh and Gujerat
        became great friends and allies --- in their common bid to maintain
        independence. There were many princely inter-marriages.

      The Tarikh-i-Tahiri goes ecstatic over the
        prosperity of Sindh in the Samma period: ``Lands hitherto barren were
        now carefully cultivated; there was hardly a piece of ground left
        untilled. Thatta became the emporium of the East. Sindh became `a second
        Iraq' in education and wealth. Says an old inscription of the time:
        `There were wells and trees everywhere.. The people were so happy, even
        the old became perennially youthful' (``Raiyat razi eh jihay, jo bhudha
        nit jawan'').

      Who were these Sammas? According to Bherumal Mehr-
        chand, a leading social historian, they were Yadavas. After the Arab
        conquest of Sindh, many of them had gone and settled down in Gujerat. (Rai
        Diyach of Sorath was a Samma.) However, early in the fourteenth century,
        many of them drifted back to Sindh, partly to help the Soomras resist
        the Khaljis. According to H. T. Sorley, ``The Sammas were unquestionably
        Rajputs of the great Jadava stock and were probably the same tribe who
        were known to Alexander the Great as Sambos. They became Muslims not
        earlier than 1391, and their descendants are known as the Samejas and
        Jarejas of Kutch.''

      This means that for at least four decades after
        they became the rulers of Sindh, they continued to be Hindu. When, why,
        and how they became Muslim, is not known; but the pull of the Muslim
        world in adjoining West Asia and even in northern India seems to have
        done it. However, Islam sat pretty light on them. Apart from formal
        Muslim names, they insisted on giving themselves their old traditional
        names. (In Thailand, to this day, whatever a citizen's religion, he can
        give his children names only from Sanskrit lists, maintained in the

      However, all good things must come to an end. When
        Baber lost his native Samarkand and Bukhara, he had decided to descend
        on India. On way, in 1516, he first captured Kandhar (old Gandhar desh
        of Gandhari, the mother of the Kauravas), the gateway to both Iran and
        India. The Arghuns, who were displaced from Kandhar, in their turn
        descended on Sindh in 1521. In the battle that ensued, the great Samma
        com- mander Darya Khan, the son of Jam Nindo (Nizamuddin), fell
        fighting. ln another battle, 20,000 Sindhis died fighting the Arghuns,
        descended from Chenghiz Khan and his tribe. They got down from their
        horses and tied their turban and Kamarband <waistband) ends in a
        do-or-die battle. But none of this availed.

      A significant factor in Sindhi defeat was the
        religious fanaticism that marked the last days of the Sammas. Makhdoom
        Bilawal, a scion of the royal family, represented the liberal school,
        patronised by Darya Khan, soldier-statesman, himself. When, however, Jam
        Nindo the Great was succeeded by a weak Jam Feroze, the orthodox group
        came up. They got Bilawal crushed in an oil press! It broke the heart of




Keenjhar Lake

      After the Samma defeat, Kazi Kadan, Sammas'
        governor of Bakhar --- soldier, statesman, scholar, and Sufi saint ---
        intervened and made the Arghun take-over as peaceful and orderly as
        possible. Shah Beg Arghun took over Sindh --- under the general tutelage
        of the Mughals. This pressure from the north pushed and extinguished the
        Hindu chiefs in lower Sindh, who had maintained their independence all
        through. Sindh was reminded of its ancient saying: ``ever and anon, our
        dear little Sindh, you will be menaced from Kandhar side'' (``Jadahin
        Kadahin Sindhuri, tokhay Kandharan Jokho'').

      The happy Samma rule was marked by the very happy
        romance of Jam Tamachi. One day he was hunting on the Keenjhar lake
        (near Thatta) when his eye fell on a poor fisher-girl called Gandri
        (literally ``gandi'', dirty). He promptly renamed her Noori (light). He
        took her to the palace, made her his chief Queen, exempted her
        fisherfolk from all taxes --- and then lived happily ever after. The
        incident is reminiscent of King Shantanu, the grandfather of the
        Kauravas, falling in love with Satyawati, a fishergirl.

      However, the greatest romance of the Samma period
        was that of Sasui-Punhu. Sasui was born in a Brahmin family. Finding
        from her horoscope that she was destined to marry an alien, her father
        put her in a wooden box and let it float down the river. A washerman at
        Bhambhor took out the box. Since he was childless, he adopted her. And
        because of her beauty, the child was named Sasui (Sindhi for ``Shashi'',
        the moon). When -she grew up, reports of her beauty spread far and wide.
        Punhu, the merchant-prince of Kech-Mekran in Baluchistan, came to
        Bhambhor. It was mutual love at first sight. Punhu refused to go back
        home or do any more trading; he married Sasui and became a washerman
        himself. Punhu's father was furious. He sent his other sons, who drugged
        Punhu and took him away while Sasui was asleep. When Sasui woke up and
        discovered what had happened, she left home barefoot there and then.





      On the long dreary way, a goatherd viewed her with
        a leery eye. Sasui prayed to mother earth to protect her honour,
        whereupon the earth split open and took in Sasui. Later when Punhu
        recovered consciousness, he broke loose from his brothers, started to
        move back to Bhambhor, and on the way learned of Sasui's end. It is
        believed that the earth reopened for him at the same spot --- to unite
        him with Sasui even in death, with only an onion peel between them.

      Sasui's lamentations in Shah's poetry would move
        any Sindhi to tears. They leave the Gopis' search for Krishna in the
        woods of Vrindavan far behind. Wailed Sasui: ``I am neither a Sammi nor
        a Soomri. I am a girl of Brahmins who read the scriptures. I will find
        my Punhu and be his washerwoman .. They ask me to ply the charkha. I ply
        it, but not one thread comes out. What does come, is tears of blood,
        which wet all the charkha ..... Oh trees, don't you grow taller. And oh
        ye mountains, don't rise any higher. Let my eyes dry, so that I can see
        Punhu's footprints. Today I will dye my garments geruva. I want to
        become a yogini. For Punhu, I will wear the yogi's `Kundhals'
        (ear-rings) in my ears .... It is not a walk like other walks. I feel
        like screaming, but then they'll think I'm crazy .... Men may blame me
        for my love. But so what? True lovers don't mind breaking on the rocks .
        . . Oh you sun, you are setting before I've met my Lord; Okay, go and
        tell him that I died on the way .... Oh you mountain, you should console
        the love-lorn --- and not hurt their feet! .... And then both, Sasui and
        the mountain wept together for Punhu. Even animals collapsed to hear
        their hearty wa.l .... Those who die for the Lord, they have the Lord in
        their lap .... Sasui's sorrows continued only so long as she thought she
        was separate from Punhu. The moment she realised that Sasui and Punhu
        were one, all her sorrows were over.''

Such were the literary and cultural heights
        attained by Sindh in the days of the Sammas. Two centuries later, Shah
        Latif was still singing their praises in `Sur Bilawal': ``When Alauddin
        came astride his furious elephants, Jam Abro tied his shield and the
        whole field shone with sabres. The Sammas came to the rescue of damsels
        in distress --- and then all was well . . . Oh Jam Lakha, I am an ugly
        Oda. I have built this cottage under your benign protection. You will
        defend our defenceless selves. It seems God Himself made Jam Jakhro with
        His own hands; there seemed to have been just so much clay to make one
        Jakhro.. ``